This project will be based on a methodology that has been developed and applied in practice in various research projects involving stakeholders, where innovative solutions come close to citizens and potentially influence their habits.

The methodology includes four distinct repetitive phases in order for the system’s requirements to be collected and analysed in detail from all actors (Phase 1), for the system to be developed taking into account all the functional and technical requirements of the system (Phase 2), for the pilot tests of the system to take place (Phase 3) and finally for the results to be evaluated (Phase 4).

In all the above phases, extensive dissemination of both the project and its results will take place.

1st Phase

System Design

2nd Phase

System Development

3rd Phase

Pilot Tests

4th Phase

Final Evaluation of Results

Local society

General public

Scientific community

Institutional bodies

Corresponding communities worldwide

The recipients of the dissemination actions of the results are:

Local society
General public
Scientific community
Institutional Bodies
Corresponding communities worldwide