The INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (ICCS NTUA), is under the regulatory establishing and operating framework, University Institute, i.e. NPID, community of interest, oriented in research, as evidenced by its title, associated with the NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY and supervised by the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION.
In particular, ICCS NTUA was established under PD 271/1989, which is valid as amended by PD 13/1998.
These provisions have been further amended pursuant to Article 11 of Law 3685/2008 “Institutional framework for postgraduate studies”, under the title Research University Institutes, which was further amended pursuant to Article 32 of Law 3794/2009 “Regulation of issues of the university and technological sector of higher education and other provisions”, under the title Research University Institutes (RUI) as well as by Law 4310/2014, as in force today. Pursuant to Article 1§1 of the founding decree, the Institute belongs organically to the National Technical University of Athens and is affiliated with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of this institution, a fact which unquestionably confirms the characterization of this NPID as university, i.e. constitutes organic part of the NTUA, gaining though explicit and real administrative and financial autonomy, according to article 1§2 of Presidential Decree 271/1989.
According to article 2 of the founding PD, the purpose of the Institute is:
- Conducting research, developing expertise and transferring technology.
- The development of computer science in Greece.
- The development of high technology products to support the Greek electronics industry, the development of telecommunications and the automation of the manufacturing industry in Greece.
- Supports the postgraduate studies conducted at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens as well as the purposes of the same Department in general.
Areas (scientific areas) activities of the institute are mainly the following:
- Machine-man systems
- Telecommunications
- Industrial automation
- Hybrid and integrated circuits
- Application software and management systems
- Hardware and computer systems.
To achieve its goal the institute:
- Prepares and conducts studies and research programmes which refer to the area of scientific interests of the institute.
- Produces original products and provides services related to its research and development activities.
- Promotes the development of relationships and collaborates with other research institutes domestically or abroad that carry out similar or related activity.
- Specialize scientists and technicians in his fields of activity.
- Provides the necessary technological equipment
Develops any other activity related to its purposes.