The linear nature of modern food production is estimated to cost $ 5.7 trillion. However, it is a form of production that is wasteful and in parallel polluting and damaging the physical system. At present, the agrifood industry is responsible for nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, degrading the natural resources that depend on it and contaminating air, water and soil.

The equivalent of six garbage trucks is lost or discarded every second. In cities, less than 2% of valuable bio-constituents in food and organic waste are composted or otherwise used. Perhaps most surprising is that even when health food choices are made, people’s health is still harmed by the way food is produced and their by-products are treated.
Among the harmful effects of these methods are the diseases caused by atmospheric pollution and water contamination, the effects of pesticide use on health and increased antimicrobial resistance.
Some of the main causes are the excessive use of fertilizers, excessive dependence on antibiotics in animals and untreated human waste.


A solution to the above problem is proposed by CIRC4FooD with an integrated system for urban vegetable gardens , inspired by the circular economy. The integrated CIRC4FooD system will consist of four parts:
The system will be developed in various sizes and forms, with the aim of maximizing acceptance and commercialization of the system at the end of the project:

The “precision agriculture” technology to be used in all three points of interest will guide the end users (citizens) about the needs of the garden, compost and water collection system.
Finally, the proposed solution, developed within CIRC4FooD, is a solution that can be placed on a number of growing markets, thus opportunities for commercial exploitation both in public use (municipal vegetable gardens) as well as in private use will be explored .
The aim of CIRC4FooD project is studying and development of agri-food systems inspired by the Circular Economy, that combine composting and harvesting rainwater, and which reduce the environmental footprint, and demonstrating them through carefully designed pilot tests in the city of Trikala.